Thank your cleaner here east

Thank your cleaner day

Wednesday 21st October was Thank Your Cleaner Day – a fantastic opportunity for organisations to take a moment to say thank you to the hard work and sacrifice of frontline cleaners this year.

The Coronavirus pandemic has presented a unique and difficult set of challenges for the cleaning industry, and has required cleaning staff to go above and beyond, putting themselves at risk in order to keep others safe. At JPC, we know that our cleaners are a vital part of our family – our success depends on their success, and now more than ever is the perfect time to stop and acknowledge their constant hard work.

We are proud to have cultivated a team that are so diligent, and so passionate about their work, and we want them to know, today and every day, that their drive and continuous effort is highly appreciated.

As a way of saying thank you to our teams, we sent out cards to all our cleaning staff, and organised team get-togethers with sandwiches and cakes. We know that staff morale is crucial to the high-quality work we provide, and so gestures like these are the least we can do to show our appreciation.